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Archive for June, 2014

The Power of Cool Trader

Note: Each Wed. 4:30pm PST at a private 1 hr online real time webinar meeting, tips & experience being shared effectively. Invitation only.
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– Will it happen again for Thanksgiving Nov. 27 2014? Keep check back we will see:)
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What makes cool trader robotics so powerful?

Visit the most recent real time real market data simu account video captures and illustration.

– From snap shot of David’s CTP report, we see clues of the 3 keys to success: 1. Time – holds positions without emotion  2. Discipline – holds positions without emotion 3. Ability to capture the Max. gain.

Illustration at bottom of this image.

David_CTP_June16 report snapshot


1. This IDIX trade alone generated 1532.00 over about 3 month. Many day traders and swing traders will suffer unbearable impatient pain if this were traded by human. Here we awed by the power of cool trader 100% automated trading system which was created by Ed who is a legend of our time – as the project in charge of Window NT to our world and one of the two programmers designed Navy Nuclear Defence System for United States in 80’s and it is still in service as of today; we also deeply appreciate the person (Lily) who designed and kept evolving the strategies for those follow her expertise.

2. How big the chance it is for any of the traders can get such timely information which able to predict this ticker will break out with a jump price of over 16+ dollars? We clearly can see that with the cool trader system and strategy set-up, it is the only way made this possible effortlessly and unexpectedly. Truly a moment of receiving a big gift from heaven.

3. Should we expect such rain fall fortune happen often? Lily says Yes and No. Yes means you as a Cool trader owner, should expect such rewarding moments happen from time to time. No means it will not happen everyday, but with the none emotional trading power and no time limitation power, you have arised to a new world, a world no more under the law of our tradition logics.

FYI: Lily has a background of Mech. Engineer Degree and Designation from China, MBA from Canada and PMP from USA. Lily also is a life time learner of stock trading, option trading and commodity trading, researcher of the law of the universe through her past study in her Chinese wisdom from buddhism books and current daily and weekly study of Bible, Yi Ching and western science in Fibonacci. Her cool trader goal is to activate those follow her, their potential into reality of ability of create abundance effortlessly.

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